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Kamis, 13 Desember 2012

Nambakor, Sumenep
27th October, 2012

Dear “S”,
I was so sorry to have missed you when you came to watch basket league with me last week. I heard from your text,  that you disappointed. But as I had treatment in hospital, I was out of school while you were there
However, there’ll be a basket league again next week I hear, and I’m sure to be at school then. So I look forward to seeing you next week. And don’t forget to ask me to come with you.

With best wishes,
Your *Tiiiit*

Iqbal Basyar
PO.Box 2711
Pamekasan, Jawa Timur

NB : Sorry Ma'am letternya diluar konteks seperti yang ada di buku . Soalnya datanya hilang tnggal ini :D xD

Selasa, 04 Desember 2012

Procedure Text - How to make a Trojan malware and using it

You need :
  1.  optix pro Trojan” software
  2. Computer or laptop

Steps :
  1.  Open Optix pro – builder.exe
  2.  Enter the red texted word
  3.  Click ok
  4. Choose language and click open
  5.  Set your Trojan by setting  it in the available menus
  6.  If you done, click build/create server
  7.  Choose your file name and click save
  8. Click “ok all done !”
  9.  Inject it to your computer target
  10. Open optix pro – client.exe
  11.  Enter the red texted word and click ok
  12. Choose language and click open
  13. Do whatever you want to your target !

NB : You can control your target only if your target is connected to the internet. But you can also inject it by another program to do something although it’s offline.

Senin, 29 Oktober 2012

contoh narrative text

In a small town in west side of Madura island, called Bangkalan, there’s a jobless woman, who has two kids, and  both of them are male. The older one is called joe, and his little brother called Hahn.  One day, when the woman, known as Alice went home, she saw some social officers in front of her house. She ran closer to them and tried to enter her house. “Don’t take my kids! You can’t take my kids!!  get away from my house, get away!!”, she screamed over the officer.

Alice    : You lie to me!
Officer            : Sorry
(when the other officers tried to bring up her kids)
Kids    : Mom……..!
Alice    : Don’t take my baby, don’t  take my baby away….. I love you  (while crying)

After the tragedy, she felt disappointed,  stressed,  and depressed. She loved her sons so much. And one day, she tried to kidnap her sons back from “children’s aids” because she couldn’t live without her sons. She was in disguise, wearing wig and sunglasses, and went to the “Children’s Aids”. She was successful to kidnap her sons, although they tried to slip off from her. She got her sons into her cars, and drove away. On the way, she put off her wig and sunglasses in case to make her sons know that she was their mom. The kids was shocked and happy to know that she was their mom.

She stopped sometimes to see the map, and keep driving. On the night, in the middle of their trip, they stopped in a restaurant. The kids were happy having their ice cream as dinner. She smiled, and felt happy, but actually she was worried because she had no enough money to pay the dinner. So , after the dinner, the ran away without paying it. The waiter who knew that felt disappointed and threw the bill paper away.
She read a magazine for her kids, and taught something to them. They slept in the car for that night, in front of a building. On the next day, they continued their trip, trough the flower savanna and stopped for a while to have fun. The played bubbles, ran, and many other. On the that night, the spent the night in a low rate motel.
And on the next day, they continued their trip again and got their car broken. So, they waited for a vehicle to take them continuing their trip to “SOUTH”.

In this story, you know that a mother will do anything at all costs although she must collide with the law, and tried to use some alternative ways, like move to other town. It’s just simply the same as the animal instinct

Sabtu, 22 September 2012

warna teks blok

Buat yang udah ngerti :)

1.Edit HTML
2.Expand Template Widget
3.Sebelum ]]></b:skin>

/* Selection*/

Jumat, 21 September 2012

Cara membuat blog anda anti copas

Langsung aja yah, gaush n banyak cingcong.. lg keburu nih.

silakan buka blogger anda,
masuk ke menu edit HTML,
centang "expand  widget blahblahblah"
lalu cari code <head>

dan letakkan kode ini dibawah <head> tersebut

<script type='text/javascript'>
if (typeof document.onselectstart!=&quot;undefined&quot;) {
document.onselectstart=new Function (&quot;return false&quot;);
document.onmousedown=new Function (&quot;return false&quot;);
document.onmouseup=new Function (&quot;return true&quot;);

save template anda :)

selamat mencoba

Cara memberi credit setelah di copy paste

Langkah pertama:
Hapus code credit link di situs Anda lengkap dengan css dan kode pemanggilnya.

Langkah kedua
Tambahkan kode berikut  di atas ]]></b:skin>

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Tulisan warna merah: sesuaikan dengan lebar blog Anda, sedangkan tulisan berwarna biru harus dikurangkan juga dengan nilai yang sama, sehingga memiliki selisih 21 seperti di atas.

Selanjutnya ganti kode creditlink situs Anda dengan kode berikut:
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Langkah Terakhir:
Silakan Anda isi dengan data-data yang anda butuhkan. selanjutnya simpan template dan lihatlah hasilnya

Kode ini sudah saya saya periksa dan tidak ada masalah, kemungkinan bagi yang baru bergabung ke dunia bloging pasti akan sedikit kesulitan. Namun silakan Anda pelajari lebih teliti lagi dalam memasang dan menghapus kode yang sebelumnya.

Selamat bejuang. salam sukses selalu.

Selasa, 18 September 2012

contoh recount text

Lailatul Badriyah Childhood

Her name is lailatul badriyah. When she was a kid, she liveKadiara village, pamekasan. She like watching TV, sleeping, and another kid’s activity.
Oneday, she got surprised by her parents. She got a doll. A beautiful doll. And that was her most exciting experience during her childhood.  She was a student in TK Cempaka, and when a holiday, she went to beach
However, her childhood will be an unforgettable moment in her life.